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What does the Agile methodology mean for your management future?

Your management style is unique if it works, but it could work even better. AgilePM® will re-centre the focus of your management onto the client. A customer focus is what works every time.

The difference between project management and programme management

Project managers and programme managers ensure that programmes and projects are completed effectively and resourcefully. Businesses employ them to run operations as efficiently as possible using the available resources. They are also valuable assets for the day-to-day operations of any business. So even though some of their tools and techniques may be similar, the roles of project managers and programme managers are in fact very different.

How Accredited Project Management can propel your company into the future

Project Management


Your company may be built on a solid foundation, but for a successful business you will need everyone to be goal orientated. In this case that means that projects are completed with the objective of receiving constructive feedback, before the final product is delivered.  

5 reasons your employees should take an Agile course

prince 2 courses gautengEveryone wants to be the boss, but your delegation will be meaningless if your team is not educated in the areas you need them to be. Choosing a course to give your team the training they need can significantly improve the dynamic and success they achieve together.

Why AgilePM is the accredited course to choose to generate networkers


What do You Need to Start Your Own Business?

PS ProfessionalPerhaps you’re launching a new business and need to get your feet off the ground, or maybe you feel like your current business is stagnating. The road to success is paved with dedication, hard work and trial and error – luckily for you, instead of learning from your own errors, you can learn from the mistakes and successes of pioneers in the business world.



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